Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Creative Focus

So, there was a huge kink in getting myself going with this blog-too many different things I dabble in and not knowing how to narrow it down and focus. Of course, having Adult ADHD doesn't help the situation.  It became just too overwhelming so I would avoid it completely.  Feeling defeated, I went looking for some inspiration and came upon an audio book and started listening.  By the way, I have absolutely no relationship to the author nor have I ever done a book review, but thought this was really worth sharing.  The book is "The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women" and the author is Gail McMeekin.  She previously wrote "The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women," which I haven't read.  She provides a lot of useful advice, tools, resources & testimonials of successful women, but the one thing that rang loud and clear for me was (paraphrasing) "You have to narrow your interests down to one main focus & maybe a couple others on the side."  I figured I mustn't be the only one with this problem if it was important enough for the book, so, with the exercises she suggests, I am working on that & don't feel so bad or weird about being all over the place.

While I'm working on the above mentioned "widdling down" process, however, I thought I would just share some pics of some of my scattered interests I play with here in my Studio at One Dream Street (real studio, imaginary address).

This was a computer desk and I added sides to the keyboard slide and now it's my sewing desk with drawer.  The pink polka dot trays are the covers to two drawer liner boxes that I decopaged with craft paper.
Over my work table I have a peg board which I love because I like things to be out where I can see them.  Otherwise, I might forget I have something. Sorry about the pic quality.  Using my phone since I lost my camera...not so good.

Better see what I can do about the pics before posting anymore!


Thursday, December 27, 2012

New At This

I am new at this and would appreciate any tips and suggestions that would help me.